
At least 1 client connecting to the AP Before proceeding, make sure you are familiar with OK first we will need to capture the handshake between the client and AP. Our current target is wany@unifi airodump-ng --bssid 34:08:04:6D:67:A0 -w wany -c 2,2 mon0 Then, we will run a deauth attack to force the client to create a new handshake. Aireplay-ng --ig -0 5 -a 34:08:04:6D:67:A0 -c 00:21:6A:57:61:DA mon0 If the deauth is succesfull, a WPA handshake session will appear on the top right column of airodump. Stop capturing and run aircrack-ng to crack the password. Since default UniFi APs only generate random keys of 8 digits, we can easily crack it using a list of digits from 00000000 to 99999999 You can get my generated wordlist here FILE: MD5:BF22FA2059C7550FC548CF63D3E31781 PASS:hmsec!@# aircrack-ng wany-01.cap -w /media/Hacking/WPAWlist/unifi/unifi10m And there you have it!

Hello, I'm currently deploying WPA2-Enterprise wireless networks with Unifi 5 controllers. On each location, guests are given a login and password letting them connect to the network. Everything is fine except that for Windows users, connecting for the first often requires me to assist users as Windows default options are not compliant with the one I configured (no certficate, for instance). For long staying guests (> 1 month), these are rated as acceptable but we also have a small group of short staying guests (. I find that a bit hard to believe, unless the 25-character password was readily dictionaried, or just happened to be 'early in the alphabet' of an exhaustive search (ie: the first 8 were all 'a') Looking around, it seems like the best-of-breed GPU accelerated hashcat's are doing about 500k hashes per second against WPA/WPA2. ie: a GeForce GTX titan XP was clocked at 520000 hash/s A 12 character password, with only 4 bits of entropy per character is 48-bits of entropy, that's 10656 password combinations. A good random password across all ascii printables would be closer to 6.5 bits per byte, but we'll go with 4 for now. At 520k hashes per second, a full exhaustive search is 6265 days, and on-average will break in half that or 3132 days.

That's still over 8 *years* to brute force on average, assuming I haven't messed up my math. Now, if the password broken was hashed with something like plain single-round MD5 instead of WPA, I could see maybe breaking a 28 character password in 21 days. Single round MD5 you're looking at more like 18 billion hashes/second because the algorithm is a LOT faster to compute. That's breaking at 34615 times faster than WPA.


Jagannatha hora 7.0 download. How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack You already know that if you want to lock down your Wi-Fi network, you should opt for WPA Read more Read.

The above password would break in less than 1/10th of a day with the weaker hashing. (edited for spelling.). Raw numbers for such brute-force attacks are meaningless for WPA2.

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