SUBSIM Radio Room Forums > Silent Hunter 3 - 4 - 5 > SHIII Mods Workshop. Right now,I'm back,with SH3 Warship Mod V3.0,both for SH3 V1.4 and GWX3.0. SH3 Dynamic Campaign should work with vanilla and ALL Silent Hunter III mods.-SH3 Dynamic Campaign creates a backup of your original campaign layers in the 'SH3 Dynamic Campaign' folder within your Silent Hunter III directory, under 'Original Backups' - There is a backup to the original SH3 Dynamic Campaign files that you downloaded, in folder.


Questo Mod x SH3 permette di utilizzare finalmente le Navi da Guerra.

SH3 Dynamic Campaign finally gives Silent Hunter 3 a dynamic campaign. This means when ships are sunken they will no longer appear within the campaign. If they are just a generic tanker or if they are a renowned capital ship, that generic specific tanker or all the instances of that capital ship will no longer appear within Silent Hunter III within that specific career. By Machiavelli and contributors: LGN1, foxidrive, abc0502, mfm4aa and JScones Installation Instructions: 1. Read the Instructions file 4.


Enable 'SH3 Dynamic Campaign Mod v.' Folder with JSGME or copy and overwrite files in your SH3 data folder. Inside the 'Installer' folder click Install.bat. Follow instructions to install SH3 Dynamic Campaign. If you have SH3 Commander installed, it will ask you about that too.

How to Play SH3 Dynamic Campaign: 1. If you want to use a fresh/new campaign with SH3 Dynamic Campaign you must run Silent Hunter III (or SH3 Commander) first to create the career, then exit and then go to step 2. Or, you can choose 'New Career' option in SH3 Dynamic Campaign screen and follow the on-screen instructions. You can then either launch the shortcut created during the install of SH3 Dynamic Campaign (which should be next to your Silent Hunter 3 shortcut in your Start Menu), or launch the 'SH3 Dynamic Campaign.exe' file within your SilentHunterIII directory. If you play with SH3 Commander Sh3 Dynamic Campaign will launch it for you, then you launch Silent Hunter III through that. If you don't use SH3 Commander then SH3 Dynamic Campaign will lauch Silent Hunter III itself.

Either way, SH3 Dynamic Campaign should be running in the background as you play Silent Hunter 3. Do not close SH3 Dynamic Campaign windows, they will close themselves!

Knigu valentina privalova metod vihrevih energeticheskih obrazovanij. In Silent Hunter 3 When you sink a ship (right after you sink a ship), mark where the sunken ship location with the pencil on the navigation map. This should create an 'X' on the map with a mark name (example: 'Mark 3'). A) if you want to see dynamic campaign changes immediately after you sink a ship go to step 3. B) If you want to wait until your ready to exit your patrol you may want to write down the mark name (example 'Mark 1' or 'Mark 3') to remember what marks are sunk first, and/or what marks are sunken ships (if you use the pencil for other purposes).

If you write down your marks for the next step, you don't have to save right away. You may save when you exit your patrol. Save your patrol. You don't have to exit your patrol, you can alt-tab out of Silent Hunter III if you like.

Go to the 'SH3 Dynamic Campaign' folder within your 'SilentHunterIII' directory, then open the file named 'Marks.txt'. This file is where you must place the name of the in-game marks where sinkings occur with the campaign name and the patrol number.

An example of Marks.txt is there in that folder as well. NOTICE: that there is no empty lines (except perhaps at the end of the file). Example: If someone sinks a ship in a campaign named John Doe in patrol 3 and marks it with Mark 3, this is how they should edit Marks.txt: Campaign John Doe Patrol 3 Mark 3 If you wrote down your marks to edit Marks.txt later, you may do so. But remember that the dynamic campaign wont take effect until you place your marks in Marks.txt and then load your saved patrol. SH3 Dynamic Campaign will update the campaign layers, but you must save, exit your patrol, then reload your patrol in order to see the changes as Silent Hunter 3 only loads ships upon initial patorl load and not during the patrol. NOTE: You don't have to exit Silent Hunter III in order to see the changes, you just have to exit the patrol.

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