
Hurmatli foydalanuvchi saytda siz o'zb, rus va xorij tillaridagi sevgi, do'stlik, ota-onaga atalgan, tug'ilgan kun tabriklari, bayram tabriklari, yangi yil tabriklari va shu kabi turli hildagi sms sherlarni o'qishingiz va ko'chirib olishingiz mumkin!

While Iason doesn’t carry the initial love for Riki Kanou harbors for Ayase, both older men end up caring desperately for their younger lover, even putting their life on the line. Feeling betrayed, Kanou demands Ayase pays him for the price he was bought at with his body! Both Okane ga Nai and Ai no Kusabi deal strongly with the idea of ownership of a person, with Riki as a pet and Ayase as merchandise. Every time Ayase offers himself, Kanou will take off 500 thousand yen but when his debt is 200 million yen, Ayase won’t be walking away anytime soon. On top of that, Ayase refuses to believe his own cousin betrayed him and sold Ayase to pay off his debts no matter what Kanou says. Anime ai no kusabi sub indo dots.

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